Ticket Office: 865-453-2003

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge

6 Frequently Asked Questions About Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge

If there’s something you’ve been wanting to know about Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge, we want to answer your questions! There have been a ton of questions asked, and we will provide those answers for you. Check out these 6 frequently asked questions about Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge:

1. Are There Discounts for Seniors, Veterans, etc?

dancer at Country Tonite Theatre There are discounts for seniors and veterans here at Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge. Seniors receive $2 off adult ticket prices, and veterans receive $5 off adult ticket prices. You just need to call to receive these discounts. If you’re coming with a large group, you can even get group discounts. The discounts that we offer make us one of the best bargain shows in the Smokies!

2. How Long is the Show?

The show at Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge is about 2 hours long. You’ll have a blast watching all the dancing and singing, you won’t even realize it! If you need a break, you’ll be glad to know there’s a 15-minute intermission.

3. What Time Do the Doors Open?

trio of singers at Country Tonite Theatre in Pigeon Forge We know there are people who want to get to the theater early so they don’t miss the beginning of the show. For an 8 p.m. show, the doors will open at 7 p.m. That’s plenty of time to get to the theater, find your seats, and get ready to watch Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge!

4. How Much are Kid Tickets?

Many people wonder if their kids will love our show, and the short answer is yes! Kids love watching the dancers and performers, especially the youth performers. If your children are 0 to 12 years old, they get in for free! If you have 13 to 17-year-olds, their tickets are slightly less than an adult ticket.

5. Do You Have Concessions?

popcorn and drinksIf you haven’t eaten before you come to watch our show, you’ll be glad to know you can eat while you watch our show! We have a concessions stand that serves all kinds of food and drinks. You can get burgers, hot dogs, or popcorn. There’s also water and a variety of sodas. We do not serve wine or beer. If you want to commemorate your time at our show, stop by the gift shop and pick up a few souvenirs!

6. Are There Assigned Seats?

If you purchase tickets online, the system assigns your seats to you. When you purchase tickets online, a generator will automatically select the best seats for you based on the number of tickets and what day you plan on attending. Say you want to be closer or farther away from the stage or you need an aisle seat, you can always call and request your seat to be moved. We would be happy to accommodate your needs! One important thing to remember is that there is not a bad seat in the house when you come to see our show!

These are just some of the questions people ask about Country Tonite in Pigeon Forge. Since you know more about our show, grab your tickets today so you can come to watch our amazing Pigeon Forge show!
